
Fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up a custom, specific, MLS-direct home search for you.

No pressure, no obligation!


home search

Did you know that a licensed Realtor® with your local MLS can show you any listed home, no matter who it is listed with?

The fastest, most accurate, most real time way to search for homes is to have a Realtor® set up a search for you directly from the MLS.  Other sites such as Zillow and individual company home searches pull data from the MLS on a scheduled basis and often contain out of date information.  When the market is hot, this real-time information can make the difference between buying or losing the home of your dreams.

When searching for a new home, it's super important to choose your Realtor® before you start looking at homes.  You need someone to help you with the process, prepare you, answer questions, advocate for you and represent your best interest.

Calling a listing agent directly means you are putting yourself at a huge disadvantage, because the listing agent represents the seller and has a legal obligation to tell their seller everything you tell them!

We'd love to schedule a Meet and Greet with you to see if you would like to choose us to help you buy a home.  

If you're just looking, we are happy to set up an MLS-direct search for you with no pressure and no obligation.  Just email us your criteria and we will get those real-time home listings coming your way!

In the meantime, if you are just looking around and don't want to get in touch, we recommend for your home search.